Duck Tape® Gift Bow


Craft Time: 15 MINUTES

You will need:

  • Duck Tape®
  • Paper fastener (one per bow)
  • Craft knife
  • Scissors
  • Ruler
  • Crafting board

Step 1

Cut 8 in. strips of Duck Tape®.

Step 2

Fold the strips in half and crease.

Step 3

Pull the ends of the strips from step 2 into the middle to create a figure 8.

Step 4

Secure your figure 8 by pushing a paper fastener through all the layers. You can use your craft knife to make it easier to push through.

Step 5

Repeat steps 2-3 until you have the desired fullness. Trim off any excess.

Step 6

Use different prints colours and paper fasteners to create different looks.