Duck Tape® 3D Star


Craft Time: APPROX 1 HOUR

You will need:

• Duck Tape®

• Scissors

• Ruler

• Pen

• Craft knife

• Card

• Crafting board

Step 1

Draw a kite shape on your piece of card making sure the two long sides measure 3 in. and the 2 shorter sides measure 1 in.

Step 2

Using your craft knife and ruler lightly slice a line down the centre of each kite shape without cutting all the way through. This will allow your kite to fold easily.

Step 3

Fold each kite along the line you just created with your craft knife. Repeat this for all of your kites.

Step 4

Put 2 of your kites together and tape both of the long edges together to create a 3D shape. Repeat this step so you have a total of six 3D shapes.

Step 5

Begin taping the 3D shapes together with .5 in wide pieces of Duck Tape®.

Step 6

Once you have 3 pieces taped together cover the middle piece with Duck Tape® to add stability. As you continue to add a point to the star make sure to cover the new middle piece with Duck Tape®.

Step 7

Once you have your star put together finishing covering the last points in Duck Tape®.

Step 8

Repeat these steps with different colours, prints and sizes. Add wire to your stars if you want to hang them too!